How to improve flexibility for runners exercises

Since runners are notorious for having tight muscles, it is important to treat these issues with a thorough warm-up and strength training program to prevent future injuries. Tight muscles are generally weak muscles because the body restricts their range of motion to avoid instability. Mobility usually increases as muscles get stronger over a wider range of motion.
How to improve flexibility for runners exercises

The Tight Hamstring Myth

Many people, including runners, may have weak hamstrings as a result of living a sedentary lifestyle and not using them enough in daily tasks. Traditional static and dynamic stretching may not be an effective way to increase hamstring flexibility for these people. How then can you improve your flexibility without having to stretch? Continue reading.


Strength Training for Runners

On days when you run, it’s crucial to follow the right warm-up and cool-down protocols to prime your body for success. However for most runners improving their flexibility requires a comprehensive strength training regimen.

A progressive strength training program should include the following exercises: push-ups, pull-ups, calf raises, lunges, planks, squats and deadlifts. When completing these exercises, it is imperative to be cognizant of your limitations. For each exercise, begin with a restricted range of motion if you have previously experienced back or knee pain, and then gradually increase it.

Your body will adjust and get more resilient. You’ll feel stronger and maybe even see an improvement in your running performance if you train frequently (runners should aim for two strength sessions per week) and increase your range of motion. You will eventually be able to lift more weights, but for now, concentrate on getting deeper into each exercise before adding more weight.

Warm-Ups and Cool-Downs

Your strength training sessions should start with a dynamic warm-up and finish with a cool-down that includes static stretches that target the body parts you worked on, much like your running exercises do. As you advance, progressively increase the volume and intensity (sets and reps) of your strength training to prevent injuries. Pay close attention to perfect technique during all of your exercises. It’s critical to pay attention to your body and refrain from overtraining if you feel extremely painful or exhausted.

By strengthening your weaker muscles, a strength training routine can assist alleviate muscle tension and potentially reduce the likelihood of running-related injuries while also improving your running performance.

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