Tripod Dumbbell Row, Instructions and tips

Description of Tripod Dumbbell Row

Tripod Dumbbell Row

A common exercise for targeting the back muscles is the tripod dumbbell row which is a version of the dumbbell bent over row.

Compared to other more supported dumbbell row variations the tripod dumbbell row demands greater core stability. A more symmetrical body and balanced strength can result from working the back muscles unilaterally which is possible with the tripod dumbbell row.

Guidelines for Tripod Dumbbell Rowing

Placing your ipsilateral hand that is the hand on the same side against the bench take a kneeling stance.

With the opposing hand use a neutral grip to hold a dumbbell.

Drive the elbow behind the body and retract the shoulder blade to start the movement.
Once the elbow is at (or slightly past) the midline pull the dumbbell toward your body. Then carefully and slowly lower the dumbbells back to the beginning position.

Repeat on both sides for the desired number of times.

Tips for Tripod Dumbbell Rows

Try shifting your head posture and check if packing your neck or gazing forward is more comfortable for you.

To prevent your spine from arching too far maintain some tone in your abdominals while you pull the bar into your body.

Control the dumbbells throughout the duration of each exercise rather than letting momentum take over.

Try using a false grip (i.e., don’t wrap the thumb around the dumbbell) if you feel that your biceps are getting too much work and your back is staying underused.
As you pull avoid allowing the head to protrude forward.
Make sure the shoulder blade glides on the rib cage in a similar manner. Simply go through the glenohumeral joint without locking the shoulder blade down.

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