Large and Powerful:Advanced Strength Training Program

Description of Exercise

Large and Powerful:Advanced Strength Training Program

People always like the beginner gains they make when they first begin training. We feel even more powerful, inspired to achieve more, and lifted up more as a result. The drawback is that progress can eventually plateau and past strategies might no longer be as successful.

When these “plateaus” occur, try something different instead of continuing with what the beginners are doing.

A word of caution before we continue. Since the main focus of this program is heavy lifting, it probably differs from what you are accustomed to.

This regimen isn’t for you if you’re worried about losing your shape or becoming shredded. Continue reading if you want to shift a significant amount of weight in eight weeks that you don’t think you can now move.

Recovery and Nutrition Are Important


Strengthening up will mostly come from the workouts, but this is not the time to skimp on the nutrition. You are attempting to force your body to perform something it isn’t capable of right now, therefore what you put in your mouth matters even more. In other words, consume 1 gram of protein and 1.5–2 grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight per day.I would recommend 5 grams of fat. Based on your experience, you can modify those figures somewhat, but they should be quite close. One gallon of water per day as well. 
Sleep is the most important factor in recuperation, so get plenty of it. Other options include stretching, cold plunges, massages, and chiropractic adjustments. They aren’t all necessary but will help and will positively influence your success in this program.

 Before We Start: 

Make a commitment to work out one day and reach your best five-rep maximum on the ensuing lifts.

Barbell Press Standing Front Squat Deadlift


We won’t go all powerlifting on this one. Representatives are still crucial. Our goal is to get you to perform these exercises at your five rep maximum.

You will begin by performing three repetitions with that weight in week one. You will progress to four the next week, and ultimately to five. You can increase the weight if you reach five sets of five using your five-rep maximum because it is obvious that you have become stronger. If not, make every effort to stay there the following week. 

You will retest those statistics after eight weeks, and you should find that they have improved. With each day on the program, there are details on each exercise and the rationale behind it.

Exercise 1: Day of Push Power


Since this is about total strength, the military press is our top movement. To keep yourself stable, you must engage your legs and core. To raise the bar, you also need your triceps and shoulders. But don’t worry about the chest. The next two exercises will help you, and even with hefty weight, the final two will tone your triceps.
Exercise                   Sets    Reps         Rest   

Military Press         5          3-5           3 min
Incline Bench Press 4            3-5     3 min
Dumbbell Bench Press 3             5            2 min
Tricep Dip                 3             5             2 min
Overhead EZ Bar  3             5            2 min 
       Tricep Extension                          
Exercise 2: Power Day with Legs

Leg day calls for a lot of squats. Front squats work your quadriceps and test your core’s strength. You’ll acquire strength from this that you may use in the standard back squat. We then leap into a fundamental back squat, pausing for the glutes. Don’t perform the two exercises with the same weight. As necessary, make adjustments. The remainder of this leg day should go without saying, but focus on each one thoroughly. And increase the weight if you are not in danger of failing.
Exercise Sets Reps Rest

Front Squat 5 3-5 3 min
Pause Back Squat* 4 3-5 3 min
Hack Squat or Leg Press 3 5 2 min
Seated Leg Curl 3 5 2 min
Leg Extension 3 5 2 min

Exercise 3: Pull-Up Day

On this one, you get to make some personal decisions.Rack deadlifts with the barbell at knee height comprise the major exercise.After the leg day,however,only take them on if you are capable of complete deadlifts.Perform additional pull-ups,which come after the deadlift on this one,if you have lower back problems.We isolate the biceps and traps with one-arm rows,which are excellent for increasing unilateral strength and symmetry. 
Exercise                                                           Sets          Reps           Rest                            

Trap Bar or Barbell Rack Pull                      5         3-5             3 min
Pull Ups                                                              4        3 -5             3 min
One Arm Dumbbell Row                                  3    5, each side     2 min
Concentration Curl                                      3             5             2 min
Shrug (with hold)                                              3             5             2 min

Exercise 4: Day of Lower Dynamic

We’re going to talk about speed and explosion today. Lower the weight under control for the first two speed drills, then jump up as quickly as you can. Take a two-second break at the bottom of the speed pause squat exercise. After that, burst back up to the beginning position. Use half of the weight that you used for those exercises on your days of power. Use 125 pounds on this day if you deadlifted 250 pounds on the power day.

For the other three exercises, use a moderate amount of weight and concentrate on the contractions. This is where the part about physical growth will be useful. To concentrate on high-quality contractions during the final three workouts, utilize a smaller weight.

Exercise                                   Sets              Reps         Rest

Speed Front Squat             6                   3             30 sec
Speed Pause Squat*             6                  3               30 sec
Leg Press                             4                   4                 30 sec
Seated Calf Raise                     2                   6                  30 sec
Lying Leg Raise                      2               6               30 sec

Exercise 5: Elevated Dynamic Day

You’ll notice that we pushed and pulled together into one day. On Day 5, the same guidelines as on Day 4 are applicable. For the first two exercises, use half the weight you used earlier in the week, but work rapidly. It should be all about quality contractions and repetitions for the final three.

You want to move explosively during the concentric portion of the movement when performing the speed workouts. When performing the speed barbell press, give it your all as you go above the “push” phase. When lifting the weight to the highest position, explode during the “pull” portion of the rack pulls.

Exercise                                                              Sets                  Reps           Rest

Speed Barbell Press                                           6                        3              30 sec
Speed Trap Bar or Barbell Rack Pull           6                             3        30 sec
Lateral Raise                                                         4                        4        30 sec
Barbell Curl                                                       2                             6        30 sec
Tricep Extension                                                 2                        6         30 sec

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