How to do Seated Behind the Neck Shoulder Press

Description of the Seated Shoulder Press Behind the Neck

How to do Seated Behind the Neck Shoulder Press

A variation on the overhead press the sitting behind the neck barbell shoulder press works the muscles and strength in the shoulders.
You should include vertical press variations in your workout routines because they are important movement patterns to train. Try out the several versions until you find one that you can perform comfortably then keep working on it.
Having said that behind the neck press variations are frequently regarded as outdated technique since they may jeopardize shoulder stability and raise the possibility of injury.
It is not advisable to perform this variation if you lack a reasonable degree of shoulder mobility. And even if you do there might be better options available for you to use depending on your justification for using this particular exercise.

Taking a Seat Behind the Neck Guidelines for the Shoulder Press

  • While standing raise the barbell to little less than shoulder height then add the necessary amount of weight to it.
  • Place an upright adjustable bench underneath the bar.
  • Using a pronated grip unrack the bar while seated on the bench.
  • Breathe in raise your chin brace, and then drop the bar to the nape of your neck.
  • Release your breath and return the bar to lockout.
  • Continue till the desired number of times.

Seated Behind the Neck Shoulder Press Tips:

  • As you press, brace your abdominals; you shouldn’t be bending back too much.. Imagine yourself trying to look out of a window at the top; your ears should be in line with your biceps. 
  • If your shoulders are bothering you during the movement, consider experimenting with a wider grip or using some of the vertical pressing progressions listed on the site. 
  • Allow the elbows to rotate and point outward at the peak of the exercise, then tuck them tightly to the ribs at the bottom.

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