How to do Decline Push Up

Overview of Decline Push Up (Feet on Bench)

How to do Decline Push Up
A bodyweight exercise that works for chest is the decline push-up. It is a push-up variation that can be advanced to increase the difficulty of the activity.
Strangely enough, the decline push-up is a great exercise to work the upper chest since it uses the same movement pattern as the incline bench press.

Instructions for Decline Push-Up (Feet on Bench)

  • Assume a quadrupedal stance, placing your knees under your hips, toes tucked under, and shoulders beneath your hands.
  • Keeping your elbows extended and your head neutrally positioned and aimed at the floor, step one leg at a time onto a seat behind you.
  • Retract your shoulder blades and release your elbows to descend slowly to the ground.
  • Drop till your torso hits the ground.
  • Use your elbows to extend and your hands to press into the ground to return to the beginning position.
  • Continue till the desired number of times.

Tips for Decline Push-Ups (Feet on Bench)

  • Instead of forming a “T,” your arms should resemble an arrow at the bottom position.
  • Consider the push-up as a moving plank; your spine should stay rigid the entire time.
  • To keep the rib cage neutral brace your core and squeeze your glutes before falling.
  • Don’t look forward and maintain a downturned chin.
  • When doing the exercise attempt to press your thumbs together to better engage the pecs.
  • Instead of cocking your head forward make sure your nose and chest come together at the same time.
  • You might want to try getting as far away from the ground as you can.
  • At the peak of the repetition make sure to push into the floor all the way and let your shoulder blades slide across your ribs.
  • Most people don’t get the full benefits of repetition because they cut it short.

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