Good Mornings Exercise Guidelines and Advice

Description Of Good Mornings

A hip hinge variation “good morning” is an exercise that works the glutes.

Some people could decide to use this exercise to work on their lower back. However it’s preferable to consider this workout a glute exercise for maximum health advantages.

You can incorporate good mornings into your complete body and leg routines.

Guidelines for a good morning

In a rack place a bar somewhat below shoulder height and raise the safeties to slightly above hip height.
Position the bar on your traps (or slightly below if you want a low bar variation) with your hands equally spaced. Step underneath.
Unlock your knees and hinge back into your hips, maintaining a neutral spine to start the exercise.

As you return your hip to the starting position make sure you drive through the entire foot.
Continue till the desired number of times.

Good Mornings Advice

  • A person’s mobility and ability to keep their spine in a neutral position will mostly dictate how far they can move in the lift.
  • Try practicing a”false”(thumbless) grip for some people this relieves elbow and wrist pain.
  • Neck position is quite personal. While some people find that looking slightly up works well others prefer a neutral neck position which involves maintaining the chin tucked throughout the lift. Here are some things to think about:

           If you have an athletic history or are more globally extended you will probably be able to                       maintain a neutral position more successfully by packing your chin.

           On the other hand you should gaze up a little bit since this will encourage more extension if you             have a tendency to be more flexion dominating particularly in your thoracic spine and upper                  back.
          Try each out to determine which suits your unique anatomy and biomechanics the best.
  • As you hinge your weight will automatically move to your heels; yet it’s crucial that you maintain your foot’s natural arch and prevent your toes from rising. You should concentrate on keeping your big toe, small toe and heel in touch in order to counteract this.

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