EZ Bar Preacher Curl Guide and tips.

Steps for EZ Bar Preacher Curl

EZ Bar Preacher Curl Guide and tips.

  • An excellent workout to target your biceps and lessen wrist strain is the EZ bar preacher curl.
  • When sitting adjust the preacher bench’s seat so that your upper arms rest comfortably on the cushion.
  • Put the barbell desired weight on it.
  • Using an underhand (palms facing up) grip place your hands shoulder width apart on the EZ bar while seated on the preacher bench.
  • Remove the weight from the rack so that your arms are slightly bent and you can support it with your back straight and your gaze forward. This is where everything begin.
  • Raise the weight gradually until your forearms are parallel to the floor.
  • At the peak of the exercise squeeze your bicep then gradually return it to its starting position.
  • Continue until you reach the required number of reps.

Tips for EZ Bar Preacher Curl

  • Throughout the set maintain a regulated and steady pace of motion.
  • At the peak of the movement don’t “rest.”
  • Once you get the weight to the top squeeze your biceps as hard as you can.
  • To work the inner and outer biceps use a broad grip and a close grip respectively.

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