Alternating Standing Dumbbell Guide and Tips

Exercise Guide: Alternating Standing Dumbbell Curl 

Alternating Standing Dumbbell Guide and Tips

Instructions for Alternating Standing Dumbbell Curls

  • Because it targets each muscle separately, the standing dumbbell curl is an excellent technique
  • To get ready for the workout, grab a set of dumbbells and stand straight with the weights by your sides.
  • The dumbbells shouldn’t come into contact with your body, and your hands should be facing up.
  • Take up the slack by lifting the weight a little before beginning the set so that your bicep muscles are under tension.
  • Curl the dumbbell as high as you can, starting with your weakest arm (typically the left).
  • At the peak of the exercise, squeeze your bicep, and then gradually reduce the weight so that it doesn’t touch your body or release any tension in your bicep.
  • Continue with the opposite arm.
  • That amounts to one rep. To finish the set, repeat for the required number of reps.

Tips for Changing Up Your Standing Dumbbell Curl

  • Throughout the set, maintain the tension in both of your biceps. 
  • Avoid letting the weights dangle down or resting them on your body.
  • Maintain a fixed posture the entire set.

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